

Big Springs, Idaho. I’ve been feeding these fish since I was a kid and last year these gulls came in and started competing with them for the chunks of white bread we were throwing. Very aggressive, I don’t know what type of gull they are but I’ve never seen anything like it. And yes, the […]

Geocaching Bounty

Near Camp 18 (a fun lodge-type restaurant on the way to the coast). Not a difficult geocache and we had a good time setting up a miniature jungle shot.

Seagull Head

This was the result of a day at the beach in Seaside, OR. It was a quiet, gray, sleepy Sunday (I believe) and I thought this shot captured that mood. I admit it’s a little weird but I like the major elements: lens flare, semi-silhouetted gulls, etc. You have to click on the photo to […]

Water Grass

A beautiful day on Coldwater Lake near Mount St. Helens.

Pea Nectar

It was an extraordinarily beautiful day and one of our hummingbird families was busy in the garden while we were harvesting beans, pumpkins, and squash.

Sneaky Jay

This is one of my favorite shots even though there is too much ISO noise. I might be impartial because I love the fact that we have these beautifully bright blue birds enlivening the forest around our house. They really add a colorful variety to the woods. Funny thing, I read somewhere that they have […]